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g1 empty5黃婷博士

香港大學李嘉誠醫學院精神醫學系取得博士學位,主要研究範疇為臨床醫療心理學,探討慢性痛症的生理與心理互動作用。 她曾於香港中文大學取得社會科學(臨床心理學)碩士學位及香港大學取得社會科學學士學位(主修心理學)。

在2001至2007年間,黃博士於瑪麗醫院、伊利沙伯醫院及根德公爵兒童醫院任職臨床心理學家,為成人及兒童提供心理評估及治療服務。 於2007年起私人執業至今。 她對於處理個人成長、日常生活壓力、抑鬱、焦慮、身心創傷、適應困難、手術前後心理評估以及協助面對慢性痛症及長期病患都頗有經驗。 除了「認知行為治療」外,近年比較專注
「靜觀認知治療」及以靜觀為主的心理服務,她在本港、美國及澳洲接受相關專業訓練。 她亦為合資格的瑜伽導師。

黃博士累積了豐富教學經驗。 她曾任教香港理工大學、 香港城市大學、香港公開大學、香港大學專業進修學院及香港理工大學轄下香港專上學院。 她亦曾任香港大學及香港中文大學心理學系榮譽臨床導師,督導實習臨床心理學家。


黃婷是一位可愛女孩的母親,經歷育兒的種種喜樂與挑戰。 作為藝術愛好者,她喜歡以藝術媒介表達個人所思所感。 閒時喜歡閱讀及四處遊歷,去了解人生、認識世界。


Dr. Emma WONG, Ph. D.,
is a Registered Clinical Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society and a Member of the Hong Kong Clinical Psychologists Association.

Dr. Wong obtained her
Doctor of Philosophy and the Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Hong Kong. Her main research interest is Clinical Health Psychology, focuses on the interrelationship between physical and psychological well-being in chronic pain. She also received her Master of Social Science degree in Clinical Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

During the period of
2001 – 2007, Emma worked as a Clinical Psychologist at the Queen Mary Hospital, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital offering various psychological services for both children and adults. She started her private practice since 2007. She is experienced in helping people to deal with stresses and strains from life, emotional problems such as depression and anxiety, adjustment difficulties, traumas as well as coping with chronic pain and chronic illnesses. She is also interested in helping people to actualize themselves.

Apart from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dr. Wong’s recent treatment focus is
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindfulness-based psychological interventions. She received relevant training in Hong Kong, the United States and Australia. She is also a qualified Yoga instructor.

Dr. Wong is active in teaching. She used to teach at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the City University of Hong Kong, the Open University of Hong Kong, the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education and the PolyU Hong Kong Community College. She also served as an Honorary Clinical Supervisor for the Clinical Psychology Trainees of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Wong conducted various seminars, workshops and training activities for general practitioners as well as hospital and clinic staff. She also gave lectures and public talks for schools, social welfare organizations and self-help groups on stress and emotional management, parenting skills, coping with chronic pain and illnesses as well as mindfulness-based interventions.

Emma is a mother of a lovely girl, experiencing the happy moments and challenges throughout the motherhood. Being an art lover, she loves using art as a means to express her inner world. Furthermore, she likes reading and travelling as ways to know more about human beings and the world.

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